Thursday, October 18, 2007


It worked! One day after I hatch a scheme to boost international readership, I've made a breakthrough. I've been translated into German! At first I thought it was a death threat -- die Lunar Gemini -- but no, it's a German translation of my reviews from the other day. And from what I can tell, it's a travel site looking for information on the actual island of Mauritius, so my post is not at all relevant. But, it's a step. And I learned how to say matricide in German (muttermord).

Oh, and I also must give special credit to the Californian who found this spot with the Google search: "Would Tom Cruise love to get a hangover in Iraq if a car bomb went off while he was on marijuana." I can only assume you read the same news story that I did. Or you're really, really disturbed. Either way, bravo.


Esther said...

Very cool! Congratulations. I need to install a site meter so I can start crunching some numbers and assembling statistics on my vast readership!

David said...

I enjoyed purusing your blog. Very entertaining and creative. I particularly liked this one as well as the what led to this. Hope you recovered from the lost phone.