Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Presence makes the heart grow harder

Prior to living in New York, I was, for the most part, ambivalent to Rudy Giuliani. With the exception of his appearance in that one Rage Against The Machine music video, he seemed like an affable enough guy. Being a Texan, I thought any Republican who didn't hate the homos was kind of a cool novelty.

Then, I moved here and noticed the deep-seated contempt so many long-time New Yorkers had for the man. That made me take notice. After all, I disliked George W. Bush long before he had the chance to show his true colors in the White House.

Now that ambivalence is gone. He's crossed the line into the unforgivable. Most egregious was his decision to kiss the butt of Family Research Council executive director Tony Perkins -- who, by the way, has some ties to white supremacist groups in the not-so-distant past -- by coming up with some bizarre circumstance under which he'd support a federal marriage amendment. The other was his equally bizarre decision to root for the Red Sox. He explained that one away by saying he'd always support the American League team in the World Series, unless, perhaps, the Mets were involved. You hear that Houston, St. Louis, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, Washington, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Phoenix, Denver, Miami and the sad half of Chicago? He automatically hates your teams.

Seriously, though, do you know how much of a spit-in-the-face it is to Yankee fans for him to come out for the Red Sox? Giuliani had better hope his next appearance at a Yankees game isn't on Bat Day. And I wonder what that gay couple -- you know, that one who took him in after one of his many marriages failed -- thinks of his sudden support, albeit tepid support, for a marriage amendment? Politicians pander. I know. But these turncoat moments are so egregious that I'll bet even Mitt Romney's embarrassed for him.


Rebel Yankee said...

I died a little inside when I read "the sad half of Chicago." I guess it sort of makes sense since anyone who still likes Giuliani in this town is sort of the sad half of New York City.

Mike said...

I like to berate Cubs fans any chance I get.

Ooh, I'm talking sports. How butch!

Yenta Center said...

I know you just said that with your hand on your chest :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Michael!
I have read some of your posts tonight. I needed to laugh and believe me, I did. Thanks.
We just closed the Brazoria County Fair down. With my new job I was out there nearly every day and night. I did Penny Drive presentations in 25 schools this week. My life has changed but somehow it stays the same.
Miss you.
Mary Ruth

Esther said...

This reminds me of when Hillary Clinton, supposedly a lifelong Cubs fan, suddenly became a Yankees fan when she ran for the Senate. She said at the time that the Yankees were her American League team. Because everyone knows you need a team in each league!