Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Late-season acupuncture

There's always a certain point at a party, right before it's time to go home, when everybody's buzz is wearing off and conversations lull. That's also always the point when someone makes an extremely late appearance, coming in with bubbly conversation that no one wants to hear and making you feel obligated to stay a half hour or so longer than you want.

That's how I feel about winter this year. Throughout December and January, I really wanted a nice snow, and the spinkles we saw then were pretty pathetic. But by the time this blizzard thing came last night, I'm over it. Plus, this isn't a nice, fluffy little snow. This is driving sleet accompanied by winds strong enough to upturn my umbrella while its still closed.

And it hurts. For you southerners, walking through strong sleet is about like a faceplant into a cactus, as those pointy ice crystals batter your skin. So go home, winter. It's closing time.

Oh, and I realize it's Valentine's Day, so I'll be back with an appropriately uplifting story later.


S said...

An umbrella? Really? That's supposed to be a joke, right?

Mike said...

Unfortunately -- no. The forecasters were trying to tell us that day that the snow and sleet would be rain later in the day.

Anonymous said...

Successful long term weight loss is incredibly difficult for most people to achieve. Many people have tried diets that may cause some weight loss and then they gain back the weight they lost plus some additional pounds. This is why more and more, people are turning to acupuncture weight loss treatments...