Friday, January 18, 2008

If only there were a Lyman cameo

I've been told my sense of humor is a even I'm starting to believe that now, because I've just spent the last 10 minutes laughing my ass off at this site.

Basically, it's a bunch of videos of Garfield strips--including some from as far back as the strip's early days in the late 1970s, which I used to read constantly in those anthologies when I was about 8 or 9--acted out in the most divinely cheesiest way possible followed by an even more purposefully cheesy video. The first one, which inexplicably turns Garfield and the cast into Final Fantasy VI characters...well, that just won these guys a fan for life.

I think it's the last time I've laughed at Garfield since I grew pubic hair.


Esther said...

Hey Mike,
I wanted to ask you something in private but I can't find your e-mail. Would you mind e-mailing me? Thanks. It's

R said...

I don't even know where to begin with a comment on that site...yes, you have a unique sense of humor...and yes, that's the first time I've laughed at Garfield in quite some time.

DavisMcDavis said...

I got really confused when, during the Final Fantasy clip, it said "Davis has joined your party." But then I figured it out by realizing that not everything in the world revolves around me. (Even if it should.)

Now, what were you saying? Oh yeah, those are great. Garfield stopped being funny when I hit puberty, for some reason, but these guys have made it funny again! Hurray!

Mike said...

No, Davis. YOU'VE got skills. :-)