Monday, December 04, 2006

When bad movies happen to sensitive, omega-list celebrities

WorldNetDaily today alerts us to an alarming trend: pedophelia flights!

Yes, it seems that the inflight movie on a recent Delta flight was too much for Mike Seaver and a traveling companion of lesser celebrity caliber. Said companion, Ray Comfort, recalls his experience:

Halfway into the flight, Kirk suddenly looked up and said, ''What's going on!'' We looked up at the more than twenty screens to see what looked like a nine-year-old child sexually gyrating and stripping in front of an adult audience. As we watched in horror, a few of the adults in her audience stood to their feet and began to clap to the music, obviously encouraging her to strip further, which she gladly did.
Now, unfortunately, Mr. Comfort never clues us in to which movie contains the Dakota-Fanning-gone-wild scene. Delta's Web site shows the most recent movies on westbound flights have been "Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest" and "Rudy," so I'm guessing neither of those were it, although those tiny airplanes screens could have distorted Sean Astin's figure to a confusing degree. But horror of horrors, the flight attendant and the other passengers didn't seem to care!

She smiled and gave her standard response, ''You don't have to watch it. Just get on line on the Delta website and register a complaint.'' She was too busy caring for the needs of the passengers to see the movie. One of the other passengers heard our protests and began to say that he actually enjoyed the film. Personally, I would like to know the names and addresses of anyone who enjoys watching little kids take their clothes off in public. I would like to warn the families in their area.
What a bitch that flight attendant was! How dare she worry about some schlub's ginger ale whenever a (probably edited) movie already approved by the MPAA was on the loose? Sadly, though, I think Mr. Comfort's anger might have clouded his sanity for a second:

This wasn't some in-house meeting of NAMBLA where perverts were getting off on seeing a young child take her clothes off in the privacy of their own clubhouse. This wasn't in some dirty little back room in downtown Los Angeles. This was in front of mothers and fathers and their children on a domestic flight on Delta airlines.
Oh, Ray, Ray, Ray. As punishment for reaching for the always stupid NAMBLA card, let me point out the obvious stupidity by saying that whatever they do at NAMBLA meetings, I'm betting "getting off on seeing a young child take of her clothes" is not an agenda item.

But cheer up, Ray. At least the inflight movie wasn't "The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes" or "Left Behind II: Tribulation Force."

On another note, I've added two links to my blogroll. First up is Steve On Broadway, who not only was kind enough to add me to his list, but who also does a great job of compiling theatre news and wise commentary with a focus my ADD self could never hope to have. I also added Diary of a Blood Ray, another brilliant theatre mind from one of those other big cities in the country. I forget the name, but it's in one of those states with lots of vowels. At any rate, his commentary on that vile "Christmas Shoes" song won my heart long ago. Not to mention that, as seen in his most recent post, he managed to come up with a life soundtrack that was even gayer than mine.


kb. said...

If I had to guess, I'd say they were screening "Little Miss Sunshine" on that flight. Of course, for those who haven't seen it, that's somewhat of a spoiler. And of course, had you not been watching the film - the scene could (ignorantly) be taken out of context. Not that evangelicals ever take anything out of context...

Mike said...

Ahh...could be. I also noticed "Talladega Nights" was on Delta's movie list. I haven't seen it, but I can think of some ways a scene like that could have been fit into a movie about NASCAR.