Thursday, August 24, 2006

Shout down thy neighbor

I have one motivation to get out every weekend. That's when my neighborhood, more specifically the street directly below my apartment windows, turns into a reggaeton-infused block party. Still, even when I'm home, this doesn't bother me so much. Music, for some reason, is easy for me to tune out if I want, and the party usually shuts down by the time I go to bed, anyway.

Tuesday night, however, was a different story. The pastor of the iglesia across the street decided to preach on the street through a loudspeaker turned up loud enough that the people on the observation deck of the Empire State Building probably heard it.

Perhaps he thought we all needed to hear the message. Perhaps subversion of the city's noise laws were his act of civil disobedience. Or perhaps he's just a self-centered prick who can't see past his own flock.

There's a lesson here about too many modern evangelism methods, but that's a story for another day, kiddies. Right now, I'm too sidetracked by these cute albino pygmy monkeys.

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