Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Some excellent news

If I may delve into the deeply personal one more time, I'm pleased to echo a good report regarding my father. It seems all tests for cancer on the prostate came back negative. An earlier bone scan had shown the cancer hadn't spread there, and some questionable lymph nodes the doctor removed during surgery also came back negative. In other words, no chemo, no radiation, no nothing. Removal of the bladder should have eradicated the cancer, and the doctor said there's only about a 5 or 10 percent chance of it being a problem anymore.

Thanks again to all for the kind thoughts during all of this. My sister recently sent out her annual request for donations for Relay for Life. I know I'll be donating this year.


S said...

Woo hoo!!

R said...

Awesome news!!!! Thanks for sharing. You all have been in my prayers.

Steve On Broadway (SOB) said...

That's great news Mike. Here's wishing your father all the best in his continued recovery.

Esther said...

That's great Mike! I've dealt with parental illness, so I know what you've been going through. Best wishes to your dad.